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Base class for implementing pretty classes.

Defines __format__, __str__, and __repr__ using pformat.


Implement __pargs__ and/or __pkwargs__ if the desired pformat is cls_name(*args, **kwargs).

from prettyformatter import PrettyClass

class Dog(PrettyClass):

    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): = name
        self.attributes = kwargs

    def __pargs__(self):
        return (,)

    def __pkwargs__(self):
        return self.attributes

print(Dog("Fido", age=3))
Dog("Fido", age=3)

Implement __pformat__ for more customized pformat behavior.

from prettyformatter import PrettyClass, pprint

class PrettyHelloWorld(PrettyClass):

    def __pformat__(self, specifier, depth, indent, shorten, json):
        return f"Hello world! Got {specifier!r}, {depth}, {indent}, {shorten}, {json}."

Hello world! Got '', 0, 4, True, False.

JSON serialization

If the default `__pformat__` is used and `__pargs__` and/or
`__pkwargs__` is implemented, then JSON serialization is done by
converting the `args` into a `list` and the `kwargs` into a `dict`. If
both are given, they are combined using the format of
`{"class": cls_name, "args": list(args), "kwargs": kwargs}`.

pprint(Dog("Fido", age=3), json=True)
{"class": "Dog", "args": ["Fido"], "kwargs": {"age": 3}}